Pedagogical approach
The goal of this WP will be the training of Moroccan mathematics professors in the pedagogical side of the use of ICTs in teaching. This type of content is not necessarily related with mathematics, but it fits in with the objectives of the project. Even more, it is completely necessary to achieve the final objective of the project: a good knowledge of ICTs software and hardware is completely inefficient (for education purposes) without the ability to apply it in daily classes.
The training will be split into two periods:
In the first period we will start the formation with same group of 31 professors who have already assisted in the first training "Hardware and software courses". It will take place at École Centrale de Nantes, during 3-day.
The second period will consist exactly of the same courses and the same training, but the training will take place in Morocco as described in the presentation of the training "Hardware and software courses".
Training activities of the first period
Lisbon, 21-25 March, 2022
Almost the same team that had taken hardware and software courses ("Hardware and software courses") in Almeria continued the training, and this time on pedagogical approaches to the use of ICTs in their classes by professors from Centrale Nantes.
Due to the constraints of the Covid-19 pandemic, this training with that on creation of e-learning content ("Creation of e-learning content") took place in parallel at IST, Lisbon Campus, from March 21 until March 25, 2022.
École Centrale Nantes, under the representation of Prof. Fouad Bennis and Prof. Frédéric Dorel, gave this training course to the Moroccan team.
Training activities of the second period
After the training on pedagogical approach in IST (Lisboa), the same training was provided in Morocco by Professor Fouad Bennis (École Centrale Nantes) in collaboration with some Moroccan professors benefiting from the first training period. This training was given in Moroccan institutions four times as follows:
Rabat, June 27 to July 1, 2022
Kenitra, October 03 to 07, 2022
Marrakech, october 11 to 14, 2022
Beni Mellal, November 7 to 11, 2022

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