
Os dejamos a continuación grabación (editada) de la charla que impartimos el pasado 14 de diciembre de 2021, en el 26th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, (ATCM 2021), celebrado en formato virtual del 13 al 15 de diciembre de 2021, en la Radford University , de Virginia, USA y en la Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand.

Title: Structural constructions in virtual reality by using Neotrie VR

Abstract: We present some new tools and options in the Neotrie VR software, that will allow highschool students to create and understand the structure of some geometric figures in space. The tools have been designed to be intuitive, but at the same time to allow students to understand about the structure in the construction process. These include symmetric figures, fractals, or domes made from a basic polyhedron. This is a first step towards being able to design and program more sophisticated tools for more complex geometric constructions in virtual reality.

Si te perdiste la charla del ATCM 2020, aquí tienes el enlace:
The development of the tools shown in this talk has been partially financed by the Erasmus Plus KA2 Geometrician’s Views.