GreenSys 2025
22-27 June 2025, Almería (Spain)
Start of Abstract submission: June 15th, 2024
Deadline for Abstract submission: December 15th, 2024
Deadline for abstract modification: February 28th, 2025
Notification of acceptance: February 28th, 2025
Deadline for fulltext paper submission: June 15th, 2025
Abstracts and papers have to be submitted via ISHS submission tool: click here
A valid ISHS user account is needed for the presenting author in order to submit the abstract. If you don't have a valid ISHS user account yet, please proceed to first and pay to activate your user account prior to submitting an abstract. You will then be entitled to register to the symposium at the 'ISHS member' rate.
Information on ISHS Membership can be found at
During the GreenSys 2025 Symposium two Young Mind Awards for junior scientists will be given. Information on ISHS Young Minds Awards,
A special committee, set up by the symposium convener and an ISHS representative, will be responsible for selecting the awardees. Junior scientists to be eligible for this award must be the lead and presenting author of the submission and should be enrolled in a university or college. He/she can be undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate (limited to 6 months after finishing the program of study), and with an age limit of 35.
After registration, candidates will have to send by email to the conference organization ( a document from their university that certifies the study program followed and the dates of completion.
How to participate? Students, junior scientists interested in participating in the ISHS Young Minds Award should personally submit their abstract, using their own personal ISHS user account. To indicate their interest in the ISHS Young Minds Award they should tick the appropriate box during the submission of their abstract in ROSA. By indicating his/her interest in the ISHS Young Minds Award the junior scientist confirms to meet the above-mentioned criteria for participation and agrees to accept the terms and conditions.
Contributions to ISHS Symposia should be submitted online, using the ISHS Online Submission tool. Specifications about oline submission can be found here:
- Abstracts must always be submitted by the presenting author, using their own personal ISHS user account. Submitting an abstract on behalf of, or using the ISHS user account of another author is strictly prohibited.
- Presenting authors of abstracts accepted for presentation (both oral/poster) must register for the symposium by 31th may 2025. Failing to register for the symposium will result in your abstract being withdrawn from the symposium program and your manuscript being withdrawn from the Acta Horticulturae symposium proceedings.
- Failing to present (oral/poster) at the symposium will result in your manuscript being withdrawn from the Acta Horticulturae symposium proceedings.
All abstract for both oral and poster presentations should be prepared according to the instructions and submitted to the ISHS submission tool, An abstract in English, limited to 200-300 words in a single paragraph, is required in all cases.
The abstract should contain a concise but comprehensive statement of the problem and results. The title and abstract will be freely available on the ISHS website and should be considered an advertisement for the paper as it may be all that most viewers will read. Thus, it should be carefully and accurately written. Your abstract will be sorted and arranged to organize the program by the keywords you proposed in the abstract submission.
Specifications about abstract preparation can be found here: Authors - International Society for Horticultural Science.
Abstract submission will be opened in due time (June 15th, 2024).
A book of abstracts will be distributed during the GreenSys 2025 symposium which will include the names of the authors and their postal addresses that have been indicated in ROSA during the submission of the abstracts.
Proceedings guidelines
All oral speakers, must submit a manuscript for the Acta Horticulturae. Authors of posters are welcomed to submit their manuscript for Acta Horticulturae but posters cannot be published as such. Acta Horticulturae (ISSN 0567‐ 7572) is a peer reviewed series, mainly the proceedings of ISHS Symposia and the International Horticultural Congress. All Acta Horticulturae articles are available online at
Papers should be prepared following Acta Horticulturae author guidelines: click here