
Introducción a la Topología Algebraica

En este proyecto elaboramos videos en Neotrie tanto en vista normal como estereoscópica para las clases de Introducción de la Topología Algebraica de la Universidad de Almería, durante el curso 2020-21. Para poder realizarlos se han implementado mejoras en la calculadora gráfica 3d.

Parte de este material aparece referenciado en el capítulo “Exploring Dynamic Geometry Through Immersive Virtual Reality and Distance Teaching”, en el libro “Mathematics Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, de la serie “Mathematics Education in the Digital Era 17”. Berlin, Germany: Springer.

Abstract: Virtual reality provides an interesting environment to teach and learn 3D geometry. In this article, we discuss the use of Neotrie VR as a 3D whiteboard for distance teaching that we have carried out during the 2020–21 academic year, with students of the Mathematics degree at the University of Almería. We describe a concrete case on parametric equations of surfaces, for which a 3D graphing calculator has been implemented, as well as a stereoscopic view camera to show 3D videos, which the students can view with cheap stereoscopic glasses for mobile phones. From the side of the teacher, it is certainly much easier to explain 3D concepts on a 3D whiteboard like Neotrie than to use paper and pencil, blackboard, or any 2D digital tablet. Student feedback is also analyzed after using various supports for manipulating and observing learning, including GeoGebra, which can also serve to know how to use virtual reality for distance learning.

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Publicado el

16 octubre 2021