Correlative landscape, cinema and gated communities


  • Liliana López Levi Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


Gated communities, landscape correlative, cinematographic narration, semionarrative structure


Gated communities are an idealized housing model that has spread throughout the contemporary capitalist city. They have been analyzed by social scientist and through artistic representations. Apparently these are two different ways of studying reality, two approaches and two languages. However, they both criticize the residential model and show the contradictions that arise under an image of status, comfort, safety and community harmony. This article analyzes the phenomenon of gated communities according to film narrative. Semionarrative structure and landscape correlative are identified with the idea that they support the critical argument of this urban structure. As a case study, two Latin-American films are analyzed:  Marcelo Piñeyro’s The Widows of Thursdays and Rodrigo Pla’s The Zone.

Author Biography

Liliana López Levi, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Doctora en Geografía por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Actualmente, profesora investigadora del Departamento de Política y Cultura de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, unidad Xochimilco, en México. Sus líneas de investigación son imaginarios y territorio; espacio y cultura urbana; cultura política y geografía electoral.




