Local bus situations and uses


  • Enrique Baleriola Escudero Universidad de Almería


Local bus, social construction, no-place, city, ethnography.


From a social constructionist gaze perspective on the city, this paper approaches the public bus service in Almería, Spain. Through an ethnographic view, a narration is established as a possible way to understand how the dynamics of the city (re)define and are (re)defined by the bus-world and urbanite assemblage, so that the results of this description, divided into four main ideas, do make the reader reflect on subsequent works about alternative possibilities for acting in the bus network and, therefore, for acting in the city.

Author Biography

Enrique Baleriola Escudero, Universidad de Almería

Colaborador en el grupo de investigación HUM-539 desde febrero de 2010.

Colaborador en el Seminario de Construccionismo Social de la Universidad de Almería desde febrero de 2010.

Mis áreas de interes son la investigación cualitativa, el postestructuralismo, el postmodernismo, el construccionismo social, la teoría del actor-red, Foucault, Latour, Gergen, Callon, Virilio, etcétera.




