Organizing commitee


Francisco Domingo Molina Aiz (UAL) - ISHS Member of Division Precision Horticulture and Engineering and Chair of the Working Group Greenhouse Environment and Climate Control.

Diego Luis Valera Martínez (UAL) - Director of the Research Group AGR-198 “Rural Engineering” of the University of Almería and ISHS Member of Division Precision Horticulture and Engineering.

Local Commitee

Roberto García Torrente (CAJAMAR)- Director of Sustainability and Agri-Food Development of Grupo Cajamar.

Luis Miguel Fernández Sierra (COEXPHAL– General Manager.

Alicia Cañadas Sánchez (PITA– General Manager.

Antonio Jesús Zapata Sierra (UAL) - Director in Almería of the Official College of Agronomists (COAG).

Fernando Paniagua Salvador (COITAAL– President of College of Agricultural Engineers of Almería (COITAAL).

Rosa María Ayala Palenzuela (UAL) - Director of Engineering School (ESI).

Fernando del Moral Torres (UAL) - Deputy Director of Agricultural Engineering of the ESI.

Alfredo Alcayde García (UAL) - Deputy Director of Industrial Engineering of the ESI.

Ángel Jesús Callejón Ferre (UAL) - Director of Engineering Department.

Jorge Antonio Sánchez Molina (UAL) - European and International Projects Office Coordinator.

Francisco Camacho Ferre (UAL) - ISHS Member of Division Protected Cultivation and Soilless Culture.

María Luisa Gallardo Pino (UAL) - ISHS Member of Division Protected Cultivation and Soilless Culture and Working Group Modelling Plant Growth, Environmental Control, Greenhouse Environment.

Miguel Urrestarazu Gavilán (UAL) - Member of the Research Group AGR-198 “Rural Engineering” of the University of Almería.

Juan Reca Cardeña (UAL) - Member of the Research Group AGR-198 “Rural Engineering” of the University of Almería.

Alejandro López Martínez (UAL) - Member of the Research Group AGR-198 “Rural Engineering” of the University.

Ana Araceli Peña Fernández (UAL) - Member of the Research Group AGR-198 “Rural Engineering” of the University.

Juan Martínez López (UAL) - Member of the Research Group AGR-198 “Rural Engineering” of the University.

Mireille Nathalie Honoré (UAL) - ISHS Member of Division Precision Horticulture and Engineering and of Working Group Greenhouse Environment and Climate Control.

Maria de los Ángels Moreno Teruel (UAL) - Member of the Research Group AGR-198 “Rural Engineering” of the University of Almería.

Patricia Marín Membrive (UAL) - Member of the Research Group AGR-198 “Rural Engineering” of the University of Almería.

Carretera Sacramento s/n
La Cañada de San Urbano
04120 Almería
ISHS Secretariat
PO Box 500
3001 Leuven 1