Supporting journals


Articles publishing in Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences:

The HUM-665 Research Group "Research and Evaluation in Intercultural Education" would like to encourage all participants to sent their full research projects so as to publish them in the Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal.

All those articles which are published in Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences are indexed in Scopus and ScienceDirect and will be forwarded to Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science so as to be evaluated and included in the ISI Web of Science.

The articles presented to the Conference must follow the following criteria, and will not be accepted if they miss to fulfill all of them.

  • Full content. The contributions must show the results of original unpublished researches, either experimental or theoretical.
  • Unpublished. Those contributions cannot either be already published or scheduled to be published in any other journal.
  • Trustworthy. The author will be fully responsible of the accuracy and authenticity of their contributions. Those contributions that might call into question its originality or the authenticity of its information will be rejected.
  • Appropriate and accepted by the rewievers and copy editors. The written contributions must follow the Conference guidelines and be subject to revisions.
    All full contributions will be double-blinded revised by a scientific committee so as to guarantee a quality level conform the guidelines of the conference.
    Some criteria to be considered would be: that the topic suggested in the abstract is developed in the article and fits into the defined theme, that the document shows an appropriate size, that an appropriate language style is used, ant that its reference level follows the appropriate criteria.
  • Excelent command of English. Only those contributions written in perfect English will be published. It is highly advisable for those whose mother tongue is not English that they submit written contributions written or reviewed by bilingual or native speakers. Those low English level contributions will be rejected.
  • Pagination limit. The number of pages would be from 3 to 7 pages, Elsevier format.
    Extra pages cost would be 15 € each, and each extra paper would cost 85€.
  • Correct format. The style guidelines will be according to and given by Elsevier. Following such format is compulsory. A summary of format requirements for publishing is given below. The MS Word CRC template will be sent together with the participants enrolment.

Publishing a chapter in an ISBN Book

No-invited talks, papers and posters may be published. The publishing criteria are as follows:

  1. NO-INVITED TALKS: Max. 5000 words.
    Font letter would be Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1.5. Margins would be 3 cm. for the upper and lower margins, and 2cm. for left and right margins.
    Regarding bibliographical references, APA guidelines are suggested.
  2. PAPERS: Max. 3500 words.
    Font letter would be Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1.5. Margins would be 3 cm. for the upper and lower margins, and 2cm. for left and right margins.
    Regarding bibliographical references, APA guidelines are suggested.
  3. POSTERS: Publishing format would be text-based, and the requirements would be the same as for Papers.
  4. Contributions written in Spanish, French, English and Portuguese will be accepted.

The full text would be sent by e-mail to: The Scientific Committee would notify whether it is accepted or not within 25 days after it is received. Exception is given with those texts received during October, when information would be given before the 20th October.


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Grupo HUM-665