- Referencias musicales: Bonnie Tyler, ‘I Need a Hero’. Bach, ‘Sarabande’. Eric Satie, ‘Gnosiennes 4, 3 & 1’. Vangelis ‘Carros de fuego’.
- Referencias textuales: Derek Walcott, La Odisea. Madrid: Visor. 2005.
- Referencias bibliográficas: Samuel Eliot BASSETT, The Poetry of Homer. New Edition. Lanham; Boulder; New York; Oxford: Lexington Books, 2003; Irene DE JONG, A narratological commentary of the Odyssey. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001 (Está en la Biblioteca de la UAL); A. F. GARVIE, Homer, Odyssey, Books VI-VIII. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Gregory NAGY, The Best of the Achaeans. Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry. Baltimore;London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1979.
- Colaboración especial de Luis Porras Wadley, Director | KSE Academy http://www.keepsmilingenglish.com