Adrian Frazier

Adrian Frazier, graduate of Trinity College Dublin, professor emeritus, National University of Ireland, Galway, is the author of Behind the Scenes: Yeats, Horniman, and the Abbey Theatre (1990), George Moore 1852-1933 (2000), Hollywood Irish: John Ford, Abbey Actors, and the Irish Revival in Hollywood (2011), and, most recently, John Behan: The Bull of Sheriff Street. He is a member of the Royal Irish Academy.
Elizabeth Grubgeld

Elizabeth Grubgeld is Professor of English at Oklahoma State University. She has published many articles on Irish literature, autobiography and disability studies, and is author of George Moore and the Autogenous Self: The Autobiography and Fiction (1994) and Anglo-Irish Autobiography: Class, Gender, and the Forms of Narrative (2004), both of which won the American Conference for Irish Studies prize for best book of literary and cultural criticism in their respective years. She received the Regents Distinguished Research Award in 2018.