Assessment of photogrammetric mapping accuracy based on variation ground control points number using unmanned aerial vehicle
Francisco Agüera Vega, Fernando Carvajal Ramírez, Patricio…

Téncicas fotogramétricas desde vehículos aéreos no tripulados aplicadas a la obtención de productos cartográficos para la Ingeniería Civil
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Fecha de defensa:
Patricio Jesús Martínez…

Effects of image orientation and ground control points distribution on unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry projects on a road cut slope
Fernando Carvajal Ramírez, Francisco Agüera Vega, and Patricio…

Accuracy of Digital Surface Models and Orthophotos Derived from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry
Francisco Agüera Vega, Fernando Carvajal Ramírez, Patricio…

Estimating the Evaporation from Irrigation Reservoirs of Greenhouses Using Satellite Imagery
Fernando Carvajal Ramírez, Francisco Agüera Vega, and Julián…

Modelización virtual de la Fortaleza de Bač, Serbia en su contexto cultural e histórico
Fecha de defensa:
Svetlana Nikcevic

Multi-temporal imaging using an unmanned aerial vehicle for monitoring a sunflower crop
Francisco Agüera Vega, Fernando Carvajal Ramírez, Mónica Pérez…

Water balance in artificial on-farm agricultural water reservoirs for the irrigation of intensive greenhouse crops
Fernando Carvajal Ramírez, Francisco Agüera Vega, Julián Sánchez-Hermosilla…

Adquisición y análisis de imágenes tomadas desde una aeronave no tripulada para el manejo localizado de cultivos en Agricultura de Precisión
Fecha de defensa:
Mónica Pérez Saiz

Low cost surveying using an unmanned aerial vehicle
Mónica Pérez Saiz, Francisco Agüera Vega, Fernando Carvajal…

Modelo para la determinación del volumen de aplicación de fitosanitarios en cultivos de tomate en invernadero
Fecha de defensa:
Francisco César Páez…

Arqueología Industrial: Estudio de la Torre del Humo de la Fábrica de San Andrés (Adra, Almería). Documentación geométrica, reconstrucción virtual e integración urbanística
Fecha de defensa:
Eva María Quintana Delgado

Análisis y evaluación de riesgos de incidencias naturales en el sistema productivo agrario intensivo de Almería
Fecha de defensa:
Carlos Fernández Sierra

Measuring sunflower nitrogen status from an unmanned aerial vehicle-based system and an on the ground device
Francisco Agüera Vega, Fernando Carvajal Ramírez, Mónica Pérez…

Surveying a landslide in a road embankment using unmanned aerial vehicle Photogrammetry
Fernando Carvajal Ramírez, Francisco Agüera Vega, Mónica Pérez…

Digital camera calibration using images taken from an unmanned aerial vehicle
Mónica Pérez Saiz, Francisco Agüera Vega, Fernando Carvajal…

Relationship between atmospheric corrections and training-site strategy with respect to accuracy of greenhouse detection process from very high resolution imagery
Fernando Carvajal Ramírez, Francisco Agüera, Fernando J. Aguilar,…

Geometric accuracy assessment of the orthorectification process from very high resolution satellite imagery for Common Agricultural Policy purposes
Manuel A. Aguilar, Francisco Agüera Vega, Fernando J. Aguilar,…

Developing digital cartography in rural planning applications
Fernando J. Aguilar, Fernando Carvajal Ramírez, Manuel A. Aguilar,…

Minimising the Earthwork Cost in the Construction of Irrigation Offstream Reservoirs
Francisco Agüera Vega, Fernando J. Aguilar, Manuel A. Aguilar,…

Maximum Depression Storage and Surface Drainage Network in Uneven Agricultural Landforms
Fernando Carvajal Ramírez; Manuel A. Aguilar; Francisco Agüera…

Geometric accuracy of Ikonos Geo Panchromatic orthoimage products
Manuel A. Aguilar, Fernando J. Aguilar, Fernando Carvajal Ramírez,…

An integrated model to estimate the accuray of digital orthoimages from high resolution satellite imagery
Fernando J. Aguilar, Manuel A. Aguilar, Fernando Carvajal Ramírez,…

Effects of Terrain Morphology, Sampling Density, and Interpolation Methods on Grid DEM Accuracy
Fernando J. Aguilar, Francisco Agüera Vega, Manuel A. Aguilar,…

The Evaluation of Close-range Photogrammetry for the Modelling of Mouldboard Plough Surfaces
Manuel A. Aguilar, Fernando J. Aguilar, Francisco Agüera Vega,…