Main topics


Theme Fields

The congress would value the contributions related to the following themes.

  1. Education for Health
  2. Intercultural Education and Health
  3. Transcultural Health Researches
  4. Intercultural Mediation within the Health Care System.
  5. Nutrition and socio cultural factors.
  6. Healthy Habits. Differences and similarities regarding cultures.
  7. Physical Education.
  8. Corporality and migrations.
  9. Mental health and migrations.
  10. Education, health and gender.
  11. Sexual Education
  12. Emotional health.
  13. Education, happiness and health.
  14. Poverty and Health.
  15. Development Cooperation and Health.
  16. Vulnerable Groups.
  17. Innovation in Public Health Education.
  18. Professional experiences.
  19. Research methodologies.
  20. Medical Anthropology.
  21. Health policies.
  22. Information and Communications Technology in Education and Health
  23. Mass Media, Intercultural Education and Health.
  24. Advertising and Health.
  1. Development of socio-emotional skills
  2. living together in school
  3. bullying
  4. Cyber Bullying
  5. Child Grooming
  6. Education against gender violence
  7. Education and resilience
  8. Democracy and Ethical Education
  9. Drugs and Alcohol
  10. Use and abuse of social networks
  11. Cultural Identity
  12. Poverty and social discrimination
  13. Religious experience and health
  14. Art Therapy
  15. Music Therapy
  16. Nutrition and health
  17. Family, education and health
  18. Friendship and peer relations
  19. Environmental Health
  20. Environmental Health Education
  21. Self-concept and self-esteem
  22. Convention UN on the rights of persons with disabilities
  23. body Image
  24. Obesity in children and adolescents
  25. Effects of chronic diseases of children and adolescents in their school

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Grupo HUM-665