
Here we will continually update the list of all public deliverables.

As the deliverables get published, the deliverable titles in the table below become clickable and will link you to the specific documents.

Years 3 and 4 Deliverables (trimesters)

Deliverable number Deliverable Title WP number Lead beneficiary Delivery date
D27State of the art and requirements report11UAL9
D13 Report describing designed classifiers to deal with combined problems 5 UCLM 10
D30 Description of the method and software for cell identification 12 UCLM 11
D10 Report describing the solutions designed for structural learning 4 UCLM 12
D18 Documentation of the software platform and user's handbook 7 UAL 12
D21 Designed prototype 8 UGR 12
D24 Designed prototype 9 UGR 12
D26 Description of the algorithms for image evaluation 10 UCLM 12
D28Prototype solution11UAL12

Years 1 and 2 Deliverables (trimesters) 

Deliverable number Deliverable Title WP number Lead beneficiary Delivery date
D5State of the art of canonical models literature3UGR1
D3State of the art of functional dependencies in BN literature2UAL2
D11State of the art on non-standard supervised classification with PGMs5UCLM2
D16Software requirements specification7UAL2
D22Requirements specification report9UGR2
D19 Requirements specification report
8 UGR 2
D1 State of the art of model encapsulation in BN literature 1 UAL 3
D6 Report describing the solutions designed for learning 3 UGR 3
D14 State of the art on learning from data streams
6 UGR 3
D8State of the art of current MapReduce-based approaches in PGMs research 4UCLM4
D17 Design document of the prototype software platform 7 UAL 5
D7Report describing the solutions designed for inference3UGR6
D12 Report describing designed preprocessing algorithms and classifiers 5 UCLM 6
D4Report describing the new solutions for functional dependencies in hybrid BNs2UAL7
D29 Description of the method and software system created fo COPD readmision prediction 12 UCLM 7
D2 Report describing the solutions designed for hybrid BNs and OOBNs 1 UAL 8
D9 Report describing the solutions designed for parameter learning 4 UCLM 8
D15 Report describing the solutions designed for learning 6 UGR 8
D20 Analysis and design of the proposed architecture 8 UGR 8
D23 Analysis and design of the proposed architecture 9 UGR 8
Description of the PGM-based Transcoder 10 UCLM 8