Proyecto Comblab

The COMBLAB is a Comenius Multilateral Project funded by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency).

The main objective of the project is to provide a complex support of implementation and employment of ICT and MBL for measurement in secondary (and primary) school laboratory.


Scientix promotes and supports a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals.


El proyecto de investigación COMPEC, “La competencia científica en el profesorado de ciencias de secundaria: análisis de dificultades, propuestas de formación y elaboración de materiales didácticos como buenas prácticas en el ámbito” es un proyecto de 3 años de duración (enero 2010 – octubre 2013) financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICC) espanyol

Mind The Gap

Mind the Gap” es el nombre de este proyecto europeo sobre investigación en didáctica de las ciencias que se está desarrollando en diversas universidades europeas.

Tiene como finalidad producir, participar y esparcir ideas y actividades sobre las prácticas de indagación en la enseñanza de las ciencias (IBST, Inquiry Based Science Teaching) para contribuir a superar el “hueco” existente entre a investigación, el marco normativo y la práctica en las aulas.


El proyecto PRIMAS tiene como objetivo lograr un cambio en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas y las ciencias en toda Europa.

Para ello, ofrece apoyo para que los docentes desarrollen metodologías de aprendizaje por investigación y, en consecuencia, los alumnos experimenten de primera mano la investigación científica.

En última instancia, queremos conseguir que aumente el número de alumnos predispuestos al estudio de estas asignaturas y que deseen, además, encontrar un empleo en ámbitos relacionados.

Materials Science

The main objective of the project includes the development of a mechanism for focusing the combined collaborative efforts of experienced science education researchers and science teachers in using established principles and knowledge in order to solve teaching-learning problems in specific domains such as Materials Science. At the same time an international expert group has undertaken to identify the crucial attributes that distinguish successful efforts to develop innovative modules of research-based teaching materials.


The aim of this project is to support teachers in adopting an inquiry approach in teaching science at second level (students aged 12-18 years) across Europe.

This will be achieved by utilising existing resources and models for teacher education in IBSE, both pre-service and in-service.

In addition to SAILS partners adopting IBSE curricula and implementing teacher education in their countries, the SAILS project will develop appropriate strategies and frameworks for the assessment of IBSE skills and competences and prepare teachers not only to be able to teach through IBSE, but also to be confident and competent in the assessment of their students‟ learning..

The Inquiry Project

The Inquiry Project is a partnership between teachers, TERC and Tufts University funded by the National Science Foundation in Washington DC. This project builds an understanding of science in grades 3–5 that lays a foundation for students’ later understanding of matter in terms of molecules and atoms.

The focus of The Inquiry Project is on material, weight, volume, density and related ideas that we know are important and challenging for today’s students. Unique characteristics of this work are the integration of mathematics into the science content and the focus on inquiry through investigation.


The ESTABLISH consortium of over 60 partners from 11 European countries will work together on this four year project to encourage and promote the more widespread use of Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) in second level schools. Members of the consortium will be working with local teachers and students to develop and implement IBSE units and evaluation tools that are culturally adapted for each country.


El proyecto REVIR (Realidad.Virtual) pretende ofrecer al alumnado y profesorado de secundaria de Catalunya unas sesiones de trabajo experimental en un laboratorio informatizado.

Organizado desde el CRECIM (Centre de Recerca per a l’Educació Científica i Matemàtica) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona y financiado por la Fundación Bancaria “La Caixa”.

Actualmente las sesiones de trabajo experimental que se ofrecen van dirigidas a las materias de ciéncias (Física, Química y Biologia), y dirigidas al alumnado de ESO y Bachillerato con una duración de entre 3 a 4 horas por sesión.


The overall aim of the SECURE project is to make a significant contribution to a European knowledge-based society by providing relevant research data that can serve as the basis for a public debate among policy makers and other stakeholders on how MST curricula and their delivery can be improved in order to encourage and prepare children from an early age on for future careers in Math, Science and Technology (MST), whilst at the same time making MST more accessible and enjoyable for all children so that they will keep a vivid interest in science and technology, and understand the importance of their societal role, throughout their adult lives.

Fibonacci Project

The ambi­tion of the Fibonacci project is to contribute to the dissem­i­naion of IBSME throughout the Euro­pean Union. The Euro­pean coun­tries should be enabled to under­stand and imple­ment the ideas of IBSME in a way that fits their own speci­fici­ties.

The Fibonacci project defines a dissem­i­na­tion process starting with 12 Refer­ence Centres and 24 Twin Centres


S-TEAM is helping to improve science teaching and learning in schools across Europe and beyond, by helping teachers and pupils to use inquiry-based methods.

S-TEAM draws on a wide range of experience in science education and teacher professional development across its 26 partners.The European dimension of S-TEAM is exciting because it enables knowledge sharing across national boundaries, and between different traditions in science education. Teacher training and professional development usually take place at local, regional or national levels, but S-TEAM brings a European dimension to these activities.


El proyecto ENGAGE sigue una de las prioridades de la Comisión Europea, concretamente la de promover una investigación y una innovación más responsable (IIR) mientras pretende capacitar a las generaciones futuras para participar en la ciencia y así cambiar la forma en que ésta se enseña.

Normalmente, el alumnado se crea una imagen de la ciencia como un conjunto de contenidos. En cambio, para ENGAGE la IIR tiene que ver con áreas de conocimiento científico controvertidas, en las cuales los valores y los argumentos son tan importantes como los hechos. Promover este cambio es un reto muy difícil.

ENGAGE adopta una metodología basada en la indagación que permite que los estudiantes se expresen y les otorga la responsabilidad de tomar decisiones informadas.