Profesora sustituta interina
Universidad de Almería
Departamento de Filología
Filología Inglesa
Orcid.org: 0000-0002-0220-4627
Grupo de Investigación: Lindisfarne. Literatura y cultura de los países de habla inglesa (HUM 807)
Dialnet: Madalina Armie
Publicaciones en 2010-2022*
Tipo de publicación | Nacionales | Internacionales | Total |
Artículo de revista | 2 | 0 | 2 |
Capítulo de libro | 2 | 4 | 6 |
Libro | 0 | 2 | 2 |
Congreso | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Total | 5 | 7 | 12 |
Fuente: Elaboración propia a partir del currículum vitae de la investigadora y del perfil de la misma en Dialnet.
*Artículos de revista
- Armie, M. «Change, stasis and the Celtic Tiger Ireland in the Short Stories of The Are Little Kingdoms by Kevin Barry». Estudios Irlandeses, 17, 2022, 130-143.
- Armie, M. «What is Irish Studies?» Philologia Urcitana, 12, 2015, 1-12.
*Capítulos de libros
- Armie, M. «Being an insider and an outsider at home in Evelyn Colon’s Escaping the Celtic Tiger, World Music and the Millenium». En Caterina Duraccio (Coord.), Escritoras y fronteras geosimbólicas. Dykinson, 2021, 423-434.
- Membrive Perez, V.; Armie, M. «Eco-Politics. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals». En Industry, Innovation and Infraestructure, 2021, 1-10.
- Armie, M.; Membrive Perez, V. «Nomadism and Equality: the Irish traveller and gypsy women». En Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Industry, Innovation and Infraestructure, 2021, 1-11.
- Armie, M. «Between tradition and innovation: the short story and its storytelling and their role in teaching ESL/EFL to children». En Verónica Membrive Perez, Using literature to teach English as a second language, 2020, 1-33.
- Armie, M. «What made them leave?: Myths and realities of the Irish woman emigrant in the contemporary Irish short story». En Florence Nyemba; Rufaro Chitiyo, Immigrant Women’s Voices and Integrating Feminism into Migration Theory, 2020, 177-194.
- Armie, M. «Deconstructing stereotypes in the discourse of the Irish Republic: the Irish Women through the lens of the Celtic Tiger and Post-Celtic Tiger short story». En Roxana Ciolăneanu; Roxana-Elisabeta Marinescu, Handbook of Research on Translating Myth and Reality in Women Imagery Across Disciplines, 2020, 262-284.
*Libros o monografías científicas
- Armie, M. (2022). The Irish Short Story at the Turn of the twenty-first century: tradition, society and modernity. Routledge.
- Armie, M.; Membrive Perez, V. (2022). Escaping boredom in the classroom: breakouts, breakout boxes and escape rooms. Cambridge scholars publishing.
*Aportaciones en congresos
- Armie, M. «Questioning multiculturalism in Roddy Doyle’s The Deportees and Other Stories». Itinerarios, viajes y cartografías de la lectura y escritura. Universidad de Almería, 20/04/2016.
- Armie, M. «Contemporary Ireland in the stories of Kevin Barry: there are little kingdoms». III International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies in Modern Languages. Universidad de Murcia, 10/09/2015.
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