
Improved Efficiency

Aritz Tutor Antón 2 febrero, 2016

Comfort zones are a pleasant place until you realize you’ve outgrown what is currently in front of you. We’ve all felt this personally, and it’s important to be in tune with your business to figure out when your company is feeling it too. You may be at the tipping point – silos from team to team, clunky ordering and accounting processes, shipping, and inventory challenges. It may be time to streamline processes and procedures, but you’re wondering if taking on such a big project and changing the way your company operates is worth the undertaking. Get the most professional assistance from these innovation consulting firms.

We’re here to help you understand the opportunities and benefits that come with successful ERP software implementation.

Here are the top 10 benefits of going through a digital transformation within your business

 Improved Efficiency

One of the biggest benefits of implementing an ERP system into your business operations is the dramatic improvement in efficiency. The way your employees communicate from department to department, the continuous flow of data across the organization, the seamless transition from phase to phase over the lifetime of the customer – all of these benefits add up to a more efficient business process that can save time, money, and resources.

2. Increased Transparency

The integration of an ERP or SAP system will also shine a brighter light on current processes, helping to identify trends and patterns you may not have otherwise seen. The ability to dive deeper into day to day data in real-time enables a steadier pulse on all aspects of the business that keep the wheels turning.

Another aspect to consider is transparency across teams. For example, both the Customer Success Team and the Accounting team would be able to see which clients are behind on a payment and could address the problem more quickly rather than simply waiting on Accounting to loop everyone in.

3. Cost Savings

A lot of organizations spend a good amount of money and time simply maintaining old, legacy systems and products. Undergoing a digital transformation could not only save money upfront, but it will save both time and money once you go live through the integration of more efficient processes and quicker problem identification.

With the right ERP software, there are a lot of opportunities in cost savings in general operations as well. For example, a product based company can get better insights into the volume needs and timelines of raw materials. By ordering raw materials in a strategic, data-based manner, cost savings become inevitable.

4. Revenue Growth

By minimizing costs, it’s easier to grow revenue. Maximizing opportunities through the recognition of flaws within current business processes is key to driving a company forward. By improving transparency in different aspects of the business, employees and management can improve their best practices and drive revenue through pattern recognition, trend evaluation, and capitalization of data-driven opportunity.

5. Better Customer Experience

Imagine this scenario – A customer calls in to check the status of a delivery that was to arrive yesterday. The Customer Service Agent can dig deeper into the order to see what the mix up was, and provide more insight into why the product is delayed in delivery by simply by looking at the system. Instead of potential order cancellation, the customer better understands the process and the sale is saved. Wouldn’t it be nice if all customers were this understanding? Nonetheless, the additional insight into the order adds a value that the customer will appreciate, whether they know it or not.

Better customer service on the backend, as mentioned above, is one piece of the puzzle. The other component is the frontend point of sale visibility. The right ERP system can integrate into your customer-facing ordering platform. Customers could have visibility into inventory remaining, available services and products, and an overall cleaner and more simple purchasing process. After all, simplicity is key.

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About The Author

Aritz Tutor Antón

Geógrafo interesado por todos los fenómenos que pueblan y habitan el espacio, por (de)formación profesional y apetencias personales, especialmente en aquello que incumbe a las dinámicas urbanas en las que concurren humanos, agencias y sus intereses. Con ese mejunje busca contribuir al ungüento colectivo que siga dotando a las llamas que porfían por seguir brillando en la oscuridad.

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