The meeting of the Workshop "Metals and Water 2017" will be held in the residence that the University of Zaragoza has in Jaca. Location of the residence: Mapa

To get to Jaca by road or public bus can be done.

- From Northeast Spain via Pamplona and bus or highway Pamplona-Jaca.
- From the Northwest of Spain motorway / motorway from Barcelona via Lérida.
- From the south of Spain, use a car, bus, train or plane to Zaragoza and at the train station there is the bus station that almost every hour connects with Jaca.

- This last option is the best option for anyone flying to Spain, Barcelona or Madrid. After AVE train to Zaragoza and from this station take bus to Jaca.
- According to demand will be studied chartering a bus from the Zaragoza station to the residence of Jaca.
- It is possible to arrive by train, but this option is only recommended if you want to enjoy the scenery.