Dr.Javier Batlles
Prof. Batlles’ research interests include design and optimization of solar thermal systems, and solar resource evaluation and forecasting. He is a full professor at the Department of Chemistry and Physics, University of Almería, Spain. Head of the TEP 165 Research Group. University of Almería, Spain. Author and co-author of over 60 articles in international journal 150 conference papers (national and international). Supervisor of 8 doctoral theses. Principal Researcher of 10 research projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Contracts with various companies such as GEMASOLAR 2006, S.L., Torresol Energy O & M, S.A, Solar Millennium and the German Aerospace Centre. Main researcher on the ongoing project: “Evaluation, optimization and improvement of renewable energy based coolers applied in the agricultural food chain” for the TEP165 research group.

Dra. Sabina Rosiek
Highly motivated engineer with 10+ years of academic and practical experience in engineering and solar energy. Holding a MSc in Electronics Engineering, Master in Solar Energy and a PhD in Physics. Excellent understanding of renewable energy solutions. With experience in production of energy from renewable sources, brining the unique mix of engineering and research skills, theory and practical application of the solar energy engineering. Experienced in the area of systems capacity expansions and upgrades. Passionate about making energy safe, reliable, efficient, productive and green.

Dr. José Céspedes
José has more than 20 years of research experience on corporate environmental strategy and environmental management. Including topics such as: environmental strategy, environmental entrepreneurship, best environmental practices, environmental business models and environmental innovation. Prof. Cespedes was Dean of the “Facultad de CC. Economicas y Empresariales” at UAL (UAL Business and Economics School), 2009-2015, and is currently Vice-Rector at UAL.

Dr. Javier Martínez
Javier finished a “double degree” program at the universities of Almería (Spain) and Kiel (Germany) in 1999. In 2007, he earned a Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Almería. In 2012 he was promoted to Assistant Professor. Javier is interested in research in the intersection of environmental management, entrepreneurship and HRM. Javier has published in top ranked journals such as Journal of Business Ethics, Human Resource Management, Technovation, Journal of Environmental Management and Organization and Environment. He was recognized with the best paper award in the 3rd Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship congress (AIE 2010) in Beijing (China) and the Best paper award in the GRONEN conference in Helsinki (2014).

Dra. Mercerdes Martínez
Most of her research has been carried out as part of the Solar Energy Resources and Climatology Research Group (TEP165 Andalusian Research Plan) established in 1997. In this line she published about 7 papers in journals indexed in the JCR. All of them have resulted in papers published in the most prestigious international journals in the area of energy and agronomy. She has been Director of Technological Innovation of the Vice-rectorate of Technology Innovation and Communication TIC (2007 – 2009). She received the prize for the best teacher at the School of Engineering of the University of Almeria in 2011.

Dra. Raquel Antolin
Raquel Antolin-Lopez is an Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Almeria. He has also been a visiting researcher at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Indiana University, Loyola Marymount University and Baruch College. Her main research interest lies at the intersection of sustainability, entrepreneurship, and institutions. Her lines of research also include innovation, public policies, renewable energy and environmental strategy. The quality of her research has been recognized with different awards (e.g., Gronen best paper award, finalist of the ONE best dissertation award). Her research has been published in Technovation, Business & Society, Organization & Environment, Journal of Cleaner Production, Plos One, and European Management Journal among others. On a teaching side, she teaches in both English and Spanish, Entrepreneurship, Managerial skills and Environmental Management and International Management.

Dr. Antonio Puertas
Permanent position as senior research scientist at IRSA of CNR, Bari. Scientific interest: biofilm technologies; aerobic granular biomass technologies; novel processes for wastewater treatment; integration of chemical and biological oxidation processes for industrial wastewater; ozone processes; biomass characterization. Responsible of national and international research projects. Winner of international awards. Co-author of more than 100 papers, book chapters and technical reports.

Iñaki Acasuso Pérez
Agricultural Engineer, graduated in the University of Lleida, with over 20 years of industrial experience in engineering, automatization, solar energy applied and management of energy resources for the agriculture and industrial sector. He is a managing director and associate of Hedera Helix Ingeniería y Biotecnología S.L. His fields of experience are passive/active renewable based systems such as ground-source heat pumps, solar absorption, heat/cold storage and photovoltaic systems as well latest technology in the field of control and monitoring of industrial processes. Principal manager of international and national industrial and research projects, bringing the unique mix of engineering and research skills, theory and practical application of the renewable energy engineering.

José Miguel Díaz Pellón
Graduated in Economic and Business Studies from Bilbao University. Senior Technician in Workplace Risk Prevention and Security. José Miguel has extensive experience as a quality, environmental and workplace project risk advisor and manager.

Íñigo Olazábal de la Hera
Computer Engineer from University of Deusto. Iñigo has experience as design and implementation manager for hardware and software, dedicated to data acquisition, monitorization and project control systems.

Alejandro Esteban González
Alejandro has studies in electricity and in metallic carpentry. He has a wide experience in the electrical and mechanical assembly in industrial projects. He also has experience in the assembly and electrical distribution of photovoltaic panels.

Claudio Di Iaconi

Domenico Bellifemine

Giuseppe Sgaramella

Valentina Piergrossi