Therbior celebrates its third meeting in Barcelona

Rationale of the meetingThe 3rd project meeting will be held in Barcelona and will last one day. The meeting will be articulated in following sections:

1)         Introduction to the THERBRIOR project’s updates.

2)         Presentation of technical Work Packages by the WP leaders. This will include a presentation of work already done and the detailed plan of the activities of each  WP.  Presentation  of  Technical  tasks  WP1,  WP2,  which  already  have started, will be allocated longer time. The SCHW prototype’s installation progress at CNR‐IRSA site will be given by Hedera and CNR‐IRSA partners.


09.30 – 10.00

Welcome and Overview of project by the project coordinator:

o Overview  of  project:  understand  why  we  are  here  ‐  the  meeting approach.

o Review Deliverables, Milestones.

o Online data sharing: Open Water JPI.

o Reporting procedures.




CNR‐IRSA Partner’s presentation


Presentation must include a description of, but not limited to:

  • Project work plan: degree of achievement. Present work done since meeting in

Almeria (11.10.2016) to all THERBIOR partners in advance of review.

  • Determine when each task must be performed in relation to other tasks.
  • Review of tasks to be done within the second year of the project.
  • Things to be done: deadlines for all partners and WPs.
  • Risks and mitigating actions.

Discussion about how we should move forward in each one of the WP1 project tasks. Since WP1 starts at M01, the presentation of its leader should also include an outline

of the various documents foreseen as deliverable.

11.30‐12.00: COFFEE BREAK


Hedera Partner’s presentation


Presentation must include a description of, but not limited to:

  • Project work plan: degree of achievement. Present work done since meeting in

Almeria (11.10.2016) to all THERBIOR partners in advance of review.

  • Determine when each task must be performed in relation to other tasks.
  • Things to be done: deadlines for all partners and WPs.
  • Risks and mitigating actions.
  • Review of tasks to be done within the second year of the project.

Discussion about how we should move forward in each one of the WP2 project tasks. Since WP2 starts at M01, the presentation of its leader should also include an outline

of the various documents foreseen as deliverable.

14.00‐15.30:  LUNCH

15.30‐17.00 WP3, WP4

UAL, 2.0‐LCA Consultants Partner’s presentation

Each presentation must include a description of, but not limited to:

  • Project work plan: degree of achievement. Present work done since meeting in

Almeria (11.10.2016) to all THERBIOR partners in advance of review.

  • Determine when each task must be performed in relation to other tasks.
  • Things to be done: deadlines for all partners and WPs.
  • Risks and mitigating actions.
  • Review of tasks to be done within the second year of the project.

Discussion about how we should move forward in each one of the WP3 and WP4 project tasks.

Considering that WP3 and WP4 will start after this project meeting, the presentations of  its leaders  should  also include  the  list  of  required  information/actions  from  all partners and an outline of the various documents foreseen as deliverables.

17.00‐18.00 WP5

  • Future project meetings: 3rd, 4th semester meeting: date, hosting.
  • Dissemination  plan.   Dissemination   events:   scientific   journals,   conference papers, social media.
  • Open Access publications.
  • Potential for patent application.
  • Feed the web page providing the partners input: news, events, reports…


Discussion about how we should move forward within WP5. Project’s evaluation and suggestions for improvement.

18.00‐18.30:  Closure of the day

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Kick off meeting at CNR- IRSA site
29 septiembre, 2016
Almeria Meeting October 2016
28 abril, 2017