Interactive Tools

This section allows to download the different interactive tools. The tools are available for Windows and Mac OS operating systems (being optimized for Mac OS). The interactive tools are grouped according to the book chapters and based on the following themes.

IMPORTANT: When interactive tools are used in the Windows operating system, it is important to check the display settings (by clicking on the right mouse button on the desktop), that the Scale and Layout option is set to 100%. Otherwise it is possible that the visual representation will be distorted. This should be done at least when starting the tools. If you change the scaling afterwards they usually work fine, but it was necessary to set the scaling to 100% due to the requirements of the Sysquake development software.

From nonlinear physical models to linear models

Time response

Frequency response

Relationship between model parameters with physical models

Closed-loop analysis and design

Control systems design

Control of physical systems