The congress would value the contributions related to the following themes fields:
- ICT and intercultural education
- Transcultural health and ICTs
- New technologies and knowledge
- New ICTs in education: uses in the classroom
- ICTs in learning an developmental processes
- Use of ICTs in health and safety
- ICTs ans social inequalities
- ICT role in migration processes: transnationalism and transculturalim
- Mass media and intercultural education
- Digital literacy
- Health education in a transcultural and globalized world
- Intercultural Education and Health
- Transcultural Health Researches
- Intercultural Mediation within the Health Care System.
- Modification in healthy habits and behavioural patterns.
- Corporality and migrations.
- Mental health, ICT and migrations.
- Education, gender and ICT.
- Sexual Education
- Emotional health.
- Education, happiness and health.
- Poverty, vulnerable groups and Health.
- Innovation in Public Health Education.
- Professional experiences.
- Research methodologies.
- Medical Anthropology.
- Health policies.
- Mass Media, Intercultural Education and Health.
- Advertising and Health.
- Development of socio-emotional skills
- Living together in school
- Bullying
- Cyber Bullying
- Child Grooming
- Education against gender violence
- Education and resilience
- Democracy and Ethical Education
- Use and abuse of social networks
- Cultural Identity in digital sites
- Poverty and social discrimination
- Religious experience and ICTs
- Nutrition and health
- Family, education and health
- Friendship and peer relations
- Environmental Health Education