Gather ye wits and spirits, for a most grievous mystery hath come to pass in the shadowed halls of Elsinore. Young Hamlet, prince of Denmark, is no more, and foul deeds dost lie at the heart of this tale.
Was it by treachery, borne of Claudius’ ambition? Did Queen Gertrude’s silence strike the mortal blow? Or might sweet Ophelia, in her own despair, be more than she seems? Even foolish Polonius, hotheaded Laertes, and steadfast Horatio dost now stand in suspicion.
Work in teams, for no mind alone may unravel this tangled skein of woe. Let thy quills and tongues sharpen, thy hearts quicken with resolve, for the fate of this prince’s name rests in thy hands. Prove thy mettle, and perchance thou shalt bring light to the darkened tale that Shakespeare himself never penned.
The hour is nigh, dear seekers of truth! Venture forth, and may thy reason shine as bright as the sun o’er Denmark’s misty shores.