Paper submissions

Authors are encouraged to visit the website of the International Centre for Anti-Consumption Research (ICAR) for more information about anticonsumption and, as much as possible, to emphasize the relevance of their submission beyond the traditional end-consumer focus of anti-consumption studies.

Submission process

Step 1: Authors may submit either an extended abstract (2000 words excluding references) or full length Psychology & Marketing (P&M) style manuscript. In either case, authors should adhere to the formatting guidelines of P&M from the outset:

For information about P&M, please visit:

Step 2: Email the extended abstract or full paper to before April 30th 2018 (extended submission deadline).

Step 3: Manuscripts will undergo a double blind peer review process, guided by the guest editors, involving a specialist review panel from the area of anti-consumption. We hope to notify authors of the outcome by the end of May 2018.

Step 4: If successful, authors will be invited to present their work at the 7th ICAR Symposium Almería, Spain, November 9-10th 2018). Presentations may be published as extended abstracts (1000-2000 words) in the official ICAR 2018 proceedings.

Step 5: At ICAR 2018, authors will receive constructive feedback regarding their manuscript, thereby improving it for a full submission to the P&M special issue (deadline March 31st 2019).

We look forward to your participation and seeing everyone in sunny Almería!

Mike Lee, Nieves García-de-Frutos, & José Manuel Ortega-Egea

 Important dates

  • Extended submission deadline for ICAR 2018:  April 30th 2018
  • Conference dates: November 9-10th 2018

–> Submission deadline for the P&M special issue: March 31st 2019