Assistant professor of Automatic Control and System Engineering at the University of Almería (Spain). She obtained her computer science engineering degree in 2009 and Ph.D. (extraordinary doctorate award) in 2013 from the University of Almería. Her research interests are in hierarchical and predictive control strategies, and modelling techniques applied to comfort control in buildings, microgrids and control education. Currently, she is a member of the “Automatic Control, Robotics and Mechatronics” research group. She has participated in several Spanish research projects and I+D+I tasks with companies. She has been director of 1 PhD Tesis. She is co-author of 15 paper in JCR journals (8 Q1, 3Q2, 2Q3, 2Q4), 1 international book, 19 papers in international conferences and 16 in national conferences. H-index: 11 (google scholar), 8 (Scopus).