Associate Professor of Systems Engineering and Automatic Control at University of Almería, where obtained the titles of Agricultural Engineering, MD in Industrial Computer Science, MD in Industrial&Agri-food Biotechnology and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science. He is member of the Group of Automatic Control, Robotics and Mechatronics from 2005. His work focuses on the climate, crop growth and irrigation modelling and control in greenhouses, IoT and Big Data applications and renewable energies, mobile and grasping robotics, that have enabled him to be author of 22 publications in international JCR journals, six in Spanish journals and two international book chapters. He has participated in five International projects, nine National projects, and twelve R&D contracts, four as main researcher. He has also contributed with 42 international and 38 Spanish congresses, one patent, and seven international stays, including USA, Republic of Ireland, Germany, England, China, and Mexico. He is currently supervising two Ph.D. thesis.