Scholars were invited to submit an extended abstract of at most 2000 characters (spaces included) by September 17, 2023 (Just for the Ph.D. students of the University of Almeria the deadline for the presentation of the abstract fixed at September 30, 2023)

Each speaker can give only one talk.

Required information include:

  • corresponding author
  • affiliation (for corresponding author)
  • institution address (for corresponding author)
  • country/region  (for corresponding author)
  • e-mail address (for corresponding author)
  • title
  • authors
  • one to four keywords
  • and at most five references.

Selected papers presented at DySES will be considered to be published on high level scientific journals.

To submit the poster abstract, send an e-mail at:


Pictures Tables/Graphs Suggested poster sizes
At most 2000 characters (Spaces included) 3-8 5-8

42×63; 48×72; 48×96


Registration to the conferences by September 30, 2023 is mandatory for the communication to be included in the final programme.